The Changing Office Landscape - Your Office is Now Wherever you are!

The Changing Office Landscape: Your Office Is Now Wherever You Are! - a DisruptHR Cape Town talk by Lindy-Leigh Swales, Owner of Co-Pilot Legal.
The Changing Office Landscape - Your Office is Now Wherever you are!

The 8-hour work week was invented in the 1800s, when 'time on the floor' was actually equal to output. Today, we have internet everywhere, laptops and video calls. We don't need to be in an office or do remodels anymore, and our productivity cannot be measured by hours any longer!

Are offices the new video stores (defunct)? Managers are the blockers, because it's much easier to 'manage' (or rather, monitor) employees. Wouldn't you rather value their output and measure the right things?

Lindy-Leigh Swales, Owner of Co-Pilot Legal shares her experience of moving to flexible work as a full-time mother.

"Happier employees are much, much more productive."

Check out the full talk below 👇

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