Dillon Jearey - Smart Lazy

Dillon Jearey from Kilowatt AV at DisruptHRCPT #4 - 2.8.2018
Dillon Jearey - Smart Lazy
Refiloe Metsing

Ever heard the term “work smarter, not harder”? We’ve been conditioned to think that the ideal leader is the clever, hardworking type, but Dillon Jearey is challenging businesses to consider the merits of a “lazy” leader.

In this fascinating talk, Dillon tells the story of Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord, famed German World War II General. Hammerstein-Equord observed that the most successful officers in the military weren’t necessarily those who worked hard and diligently followed orders. It seems counterintuitive, but the most effective officers were what he called “clever and lazy.”

“Those who are clever and lazy tend to question existing processes and look for ways to streamline their work rather than simply getting it done.” — Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord

From the invention of the wheel to the personal computer, history is littered with visionaries who changed the world with one simple thought, “there must be an easier way to do this.”

With that in mind, Dillon leaves us with a question that is worth considering:

“Where can we be lazier in our business to do things smarter?”

Check out the full talk below 👇

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