Main Management Skills Young Leaders have to Learn

If you want to be a successful leader in a digital world, this is what you need to know.
Main Management Skills Young Leaders have to Learn
Sandra Larson

Today, digital transformation is changing common employment standards and approaches in the human resources and recruitment field. It significantly affects the key competencies and management leader skills.

According to research, in order to be successful in the today’s times of digitalization, the youth have to concentrate on the following basic skills and competencies:

  • Awareness of digital transformation
  • Adaptability
  • Decision making
  • Cross-functional interaction
  • Talent management
  • Diverse vision

The problem? Only 22% of young leaders consider themselves effective in all these areas.

It is generally accepted that millennials, as the most knowledgeable generation in the field of digital technologies, should lead the digital transformation.

Representatives of Generation Y don’t feel very confident when faced with modern business challenges.

However, the results of the aforementioned survey of business representatives showed a different insight: representatives of Generation Y don’t feel very confident when faced with modern business challenges. So, what are the main management skills young leaders should learn today? Let’s keep reading to find out.

1. Learn About Innovation, It’s a Critical Factor for Breakthrough

As digitalisation is impossible to avoid, it becomes part of the company’s development. Nevertheless, many companies continue to work the old-fashioned way, despite a number of obvious advantages that open up after the introduction of IT solutions.

Some management leaders share the experience about the difficulties that had to be met, as well as about the results that the business receives after training employers to become leaders in this digitalisation era.

Therefore, in order to maintain competitiveness in the international market, young leaders have to collect all the data that are born in the process of creating value. This can be achieved through the transition from analog business operations to digital ones, and the systematic use of new technologies to improve performance.

As it is, first and foremost, about business, changes in the processes of production and delivery, the revision of relationships with customers, the transformation of products and services and the rethinking of the business model, young leaders have to learn new approaches and provide new innovative models.

Therefore, a digital young leader has to be a business leader, not just a technical manager with narrow specialisation.

Such leaders should have a fairly broad view of the company, and make focus on the development of the business as a whole.

2. Have the Presence of a Technical Background

An understanding of technologies, capabilities, and features significantly increases effectiveness. After all, digital technologies are at the heart of the transformation and the decisions that need to be applied often don’t yet have a long history of successful use.

You should show an active interest in innovations and in search of opportunities.

The key quality here is an openness to the new tech and applying the corresponding skill set. You should also show an active interest in innovations and in search of opportunities.

Obviously, the conservative way of thinking in this role will not be effective. The field needs entrepreneurs who will put a strong focus on finding new solutions and changes that are based on a tech background.

The leader should concentrate on what will benefit the company in the future and how it is important. But in the end, the criterion for success will be the business result of the transformation.

3. Focus on Changing Management in the Broadest Sense

In order to achieve great results, as a young leader, you have to provide greater opportunities for employees. You have to communicate and interact with them, as well as optimise their daily operations. You can use a wide ecosystem of global leaders, including Microsoft solutions.

As a young leader, you have to provide greater opportunities for employees.

Any company can increase the productivity of its employees, ensure transparency and accessibility of commercial data, structure processes by using innovative technologies, machine learning and AI. By using modern tools and advanced software, you can:

  • Increase team productivity through more accurate predictions,
  • Build effective operations through analytics,
  • Introduce innovations based on a deeper understanding of your business.

At the same time, the company’s products will become innovative, and the company itself will create more customer-oriented processes and new scenarios in the market.

By applying such skills of leadership, you can make a transition of a company focusing on your team and product improvement to creating better results for customers and society in general.


Additionally, one of the main tasks that a young leader can do when managing a business is to improve their skills in forecasting. For example, you can make a hypothesis and apply new technology algorithms to predict the target rates of products, etc. This can help minimise the cost to the company due to an inaccurate forecast. Such skills provide stable results and helps businesses to apply standard analytical models.

Also, it is important to get into talent development ecosystems and learn about global development trends. What is necessary for success here is to regularly update your skills and use new technologies on a daily basis, such as Slack for team communication or Hi5 as a recognition and feedback tool.

Author’s Bio

Sandra Larson is a great writer at and a business leader. As an education entrepreneur, she thinks it is necessary to radically rethink the whole concept of employment and preparing people for a new, more open, more productive world in the digital era. People will be engaged in more creative, highly productive work and show the best skills in management. And for young leaders, there is an opportunity to achieve those skills with time and through new training approaches.

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