"What I like about Hi5? It gives us a great opportunity for ways in which people can interact. I love the fact that energy is created when people receive Hi5's. You might think that a digital Hi5 seems a little bit odd in comparison to walking over and tapping someone on the shoulder, but it's surprising how much excitement and energy people get just from receiving some accolades and affirmation from friends.
"I love the fact that there's new functionality being added in that can be used to drive different streams of employee engagement, and certainly it's become a part of our culture and enabled us to reward people who really deserve to be rewarded on a very egalitarian and collaborative way of doing that.
"We've been using Hi5 for a while. Certainly, there's been a lot of energy that's been added, and I think the simplicity of the tool has helped." - Tim Sprowson, Group VP of People
"Hi5 has made an enormous difference to us in our performance review process. We use it to get 360 degree feedback on all of our team members."
"Everybody loves recognition and that was something that was lacking in our business."
"We use Hi5 because we believe in the power of recognition & showing gratitude to people who do great work and contribute to team members and building their careers."
"It’s very easy to get Hi5 kick-started in a couple of weeks ... really rich insights & data that we can use to better understand our own people."
"What I love about Hi5 is that it creates a sense of cohesion, so it brings the team together."
"People are happier and they are willing to give each other feedback, which we didn't have before."
"It works for our business and it really has driven an amazing culture through the team."
"Hi5 motivates us; it gives us a positive outlook about ourselves, because other people are seeing it."
"Hi5 has been a breath of fresh air - it's easy, it's quick and gives immediate feedback."
“It pushes you to actually give recognition, which you wouldn’t usually do.”
"The app helps them, reminds them, to actually say thank you."